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60 produits trouvés
This is the era of the Smart Ecosystems Economy, where the companies that thrive must be ready to cope with randomness and unexpected events. In this digital world, the traditional boundaries have disappeared, paving the way for new and smarter ecosystems to develop. Companies seeking to transform into future-proof organisations would do well to understand these ecosystems, and get a grasp on how they work.
This book serves as a guide to building smart, competitive ecosystems for both small and large organisations. A timely book that cracks the code of tomorrow's business models.
The end of poverty ; how we can make it happen in our lifetime
Jeffrey d. Sachs
- Adult Pbs
- 11 Avril 2005
- 9780141018669
Jeffrey Sachs draws on his remarkable 25 years' experience to offer a thrilling and inspiring vision of the keys to economic success in the world today.
REGION ET DEVELOPPEMENT Tome 39 : la dimension régionales de la crise en Grèce
Yannis Psycharis, Michel Dimou, George Petrakos
- L'Harmattan
- Region Et Developpement
- 18 Décembre 2014
- 9782343051321
La crise grecque depuis 2008 est profonde. Un regard est particulièrement porté dans ce numéro sur son impact socioéconomique dans les régions : les grandes villes, les territoires ruraux, les zones touristiques, les salaires, le chômage et les marchés locaux du travail, les conditions de vie des ménages et la pauvreté, le logement et le marché immobilier. Contributions en anglais.
The econometrics of financial markets
John Campbell, Andrew Lo, A. Craig Mackinley
- Princeton University Press
- 15 Janvier 1996
- 9780691043012
Finance professionals routinely use sophisticated statistical techniques in portfolio management, proprietary trading, risk management, financial consulting, and securities regulation. This book covers empirical finance, including: the predictability of asset returns, tests of the Random Walk Hypothesis, event analysis, and more.
The code of capital : how the law creates wealth and inequality
Katharina Pistor
- Princeton University Press
- 22 Septembre 2020
- 9780691208602
Culture, les raisons d'espérer ; actes du forum d'Avignon : culture, économie, médias (15-17 novembre 2012)
- Gallimard
- Hors Serie Connaissance
- 12 Septembre 2013
- 9782070142415
La culture, solution pour la crise ? Utopique, à l'heure des enjeux de compétitivité et de mondialisation ? C'est oublier que de l'atelier, de la table à dessin ou d'écriture sont issues les formes et les innovations qui ont changé le monde économique d'aujourd'hui. Les 450 participants du Forum d'Avignon 2012 venus de plus de 40 pays différents ont partagé leurs raisons d'espérer dans la culture. Au-delà de son impact économique réel, avec 6,1 % du PIB au niveau mondial pour un chiffre d'affaires de 2 700 milliards de dollars, 4 % du PIB de l'Union européenne et 8 millions d'emplois directs, la culture met en résonance le rôle de l'imagination, la créativité dans la cohésion sociale, et la transmission d'un patrimoine culturel dans une période de perception d'accélération du temps. De nouvelles voies de réflexion s'ouvrent sur la fabrique de la culture et les emplois de demain, en mettant en lumière des initiatives ou des pratiques culturelles fédératrices et des dynamiques territoriales exemplaires. Parmi les participants de l'édition 2012 qui prennent la parole : Aurélie Filippetti, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, Paul Andreu, Julien Anfruns, Carlo d'Asaro Biondo, Elie Barnavi, Mircea Cantor, Renaud Capuçon, Rick Cotton, Axel Dauchez, Régis Debray, Kitsou Dubois, Amos Gitaï, Claudie Haigneré, Barbara Hendricks, Pierre Lescure, Richard-David Precht, Stéphane Richard, David Throsby, Zahia Ziouani...
An introduction to standard graduate econometrics for PhD students. The text covers all the material necessary for understanding the principal techniques of econometrics from ordinary least squares through cointegration.
The open sea : the economic life of ancient mediterranean world from iron age to the rise of Rome
J. G. Manning
- Princeton University Press
- 26 Juin 2020
- 9780691202303
A major new economic history of the ancient Mediterranean world.
In The Open Sea, J. G. Manning offers a major new history of economic life in the Mediterranean world during the Iron Age, from Phoenician trading down to the Hellenistic era and the beginning of Rome's supremacy. Drawing on a wide range of ancient sources and the latest social theory, Manning suggests that the search for an illusory single ancient economy has obscured the diversity of the Mediterranean world, including changes in political economies over time and differences in cultural conceptions of property and money. At the same time, this groundbreaking book shows how the region's economies became increasingly interconnected during this period-and why the origins of the modern economy extend far beyond Greece and Rome. -
A leading economist discusses the potential of happiness research (the quantification of well-being) to answer important questions that standard economics methods are unable to analyze.Revolutionary developments in economics are rare. The conservative bias of the field and its enshrined knowledge make it difficult to introduce new ideas not in line with received theory. Happiness research, however, has the potential to change economics substantially in the future. Its findings, which are gradually being taken into account in standard economics, can be considered revolutionary in three respects: the measurement of experienced utility using psychologists'' tools for measuring subjective well-being; new insights into how human beings value goods and services and social conditions that include consideration of such non-material values as autonomy and social relations; and policy consequences of these new insights that suggest different ways for government to affect individual well-being. In Happiness, emphasizing empirical evidence rather than theoretical conjectures, Bruno Frey substantiates these three revolutionary claims for happiness research. After tracing the major developments of happiness research in economics and demonstrating that we have gained important new insights into how income, unemployment, inflation, and income demonstration affect well-being, Frey examines such wide-ranging topics as democracy and federalism, self-employment and volunteer work, marriage, terrorism, and watching television from the new perspective of happiness research. Turning to policy implications, Frey describes how government can provide the conditions for people to achieve well-being, arguing that a crucial role is played by adequate political institutions and decentralized decision making. Happiness demonstrates the achievements of the economic happiness revolution and points the way to future research.
This work is a methodological development running in parallel with the analysis of the Italian standing «imbalance», as it was investigated in «The Uneven Political Development». As is written in the Introduction, this book collects Cervetto's reflections on the materialist conception of politics in 1977-81 and 1984-89. It is the theoretical side of a strategic issue.
It was necessary to underline the dialectical character in the structure/superstructure relationship through a sharp criticism of both mechanism - which reduces political analysis to econometric evaluations - and the idea of the primacy of politics - which takes no account of the actual economic determination.
The connection with the sound foundations of Marx and Engels's thought is shown in illuminating and less-known passages quoted from their works, as well as from Lenin's. This is the basis whereupon a comparison with Eduard Bernstein's liberal arguments, Heinrich Cunow's revisionist ideas, Lev Trotsky's tacticalism between the two world wars, Hans Kelsen's normative approach, and Pëtr Struve's objectivism can be drawn effectively.
The investigation into the actual characters of democracy in the imperialist epoch marks this book throughout and accounts for its extreme up-to-dateness in a critical stage of the best possible «political shell» for capitalism.
A collection of one-on-one discussions with 40 of the world''s greatest thought and action leaders and prominent philanthropic figures.
The Business of Philanthropy shares unique insights into the power of strategic philanthropy that will inform, inspire and mobilise the next generation of social innovators, philanthropy sector practitioners and social impact leaders to drive positive change.
Prominent philanthropists such as Bill Gates, HRH King Charles, HM Queen Rania Al Abdullah and many more discuss their concerns and hopes for the world of today and tomorrow. They shed light on new revelations and insights regarding the increasingly important role that strategic philanthropy will play in solving some of the world''s biggest problems.
In a world that is wrestling with a host of existential risks, The Business of Philanthropy addresses the need for fresh, new perspectives on old and new problems, as well as an infusion of hope and optimism to face these problems. -
Revue recherches économiques de Louvain n.80/4
Revue Recherches Economiques De Louvain
- De Boeck Superieur
- Revue Recherches Economiques De Louvain
- 30 Juillet 2009
- 9782804158224
Les entreprises dans les crises économiques du XXe siècle
Margrit Müller, Laurent Tissot
- Alphil
- Colloquium
- 26 Avril 2014
- 9782889300013
Mental health and work ; United Kingdom
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 7 Mai 2014
- 9789264204980
Tackling mental ill-health of the working-age population is becoming a key issue for labour market and social policies in OECD countries. OECD governments increasingly recognise that policy has a major role to play in keeping people with mental ill-health in employment or bringing those outside of the labour market back to it, and in preventing mental illness. This report on the United Kingdom is the sixth in a series of reports looking at how the broader education, health, social and labour market policy challenges identified in Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work (OECD, 2012) are being tackled in a number of OECD countries.
OECD economic surveys ; slovenia ; february 2011
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 18 Février 2011
- 9789264092471
OECD's 2011 survey of Slovenia's economy. This edition includes chapters covering the aftermath of the crisis, improving educational outcomes, and foreign investment, governance and economic performance.
Disaggregated impacts of cap reforms
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 18 Février 2011
- 9789264096530
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is an important policy for the European Union and accounts for about 40% of the EU budget. Ever since its inception in 1958, the CAP has been regularly reviewed and adjusted to improve its performance and adapt to changing circumstances. At a time when the post-2013 future of the CAP is being discussed and major challenges such as food security and climate change lay ahead, it is important to review the impact of past reforms and to draw lessons for the design of future policies.
While the studies in these proceedings often take account of national and international market effects of agricultural policies, they tend to focus on the impact of policies on farms and at the regional and local levels. Today, the European Union is composed of very diverse regions that are affected very differently by any given farm policy, depending on the structural characteristics of the farms' and regions' economies.
This report collects papers presented at the OECD Workshop on Disaggregated Impacts of CAP Reforms, held in Paris in March 2010, which focused on recent reforms. In particular, it examined the implementation of the single payment scheme since 2005 and the transfer of funds between different measures. Special attention was also paid to reforms of the sugar and dairy sectors with respect to the quota system and the restructuring of both these industries. The papers also look at the impact of the new direct payment system on land use, production and income.
Global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes peer review report ; phase 1 legal and regulatory framework ; San Marino
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 22 Février 2011
- 9789264096899
The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 90 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.
The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention. The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. "Fishing expeditions" are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.
All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction´s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined - Phase 1 plus Phase 2 - reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
All review reports are published once approved by the Global Forum and they thus represent agreed Global Forum reports.
For more information on the work of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, and for copies of the published review reports, please visit
What if telecoms... ; ...were the key to the third industrial revolution ?
Jean-Michel Huet, Henri Tcheng
- Pearson
- 16 Décembre 2010
- 9782744075018
In a world without telecoms...
We'd have to invent them. The role of telecoms goes well beyond the finie daily stories of using the Internet or our mobile phones. Their impact on the development of Society, business and even countries is increasingly significant. The authors of this book, two distinguished telecoms specialists, décode the full magnitude of the telecommunication sector using resources from not only the fields of economics and technology, but also history and sociology.
The book takes an audacious stance: it places telecoms in the context of a third industrial revolution, that of the digital age, equivalent to the steam engine and railroads of the first industrial révolution. It shows how information and communication technologies (ICTs) are an essential part of our economy, and how they increasingly shape and structure other sectors (tele-services, tele-medicine, etc.).
With great insight, the authors explore various key telecoms trends to answer the questions: how do we reduce the digital divide? What new consumer habits stem from ICTs? And, finally, what is their impact on the development of emerging countries ?
The economics of adapting fisheries to climate change
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 22 Février 2011
- 9789264090361
Climate change is becoming more evident and, as it increases, will alter the productivity of fisheries and the distribution of fish stocks. From an economic point of view, the changes will have impacts on fisheries and coastal communities in different ways. These expected changes require adaptable and flexible fisheries and aquaculture management policies and governance frameworks. However, the forms of future climate change and the extent of its impact remain uncertain. Fisheries policy makers therefore need to develop strategies and decision-making models in order to adapt to climate change under such uncertainty while taking into account social and economic consequences.
While most work on climate change in the fisheries sector has focused on fisheries science, this book highlights the economic and policy aspects of adapting fisheries to climate change. An outcome of the OECD Workshop on the Economics of Adapting Fisheries to Climate Change, held in June 2010, the book outlines the actions that fisheries policy makers must undertake in the face of climate change. These include: strengthening the global governance system; a broader use of rights-based management systems; ecosystem protection; industry transformation through the ending of environmental harmful subsidies and a focus on demand for sustainably caught seafood; and, in particular, using aquaculture as a key part of the response to climate change.
European banking and financial servives law + cdrom 2010
- Larcier
- 30 Septembre 2010
- 9782804436933
The initiative to improve the level of integration in banking and financial services law within the European Union, ongoing sine the end of the seventies, has been largely successful.
About 90% of the national laws regarding financial services are based on European law. The fourth édition of "European Banking and Financial Services Law", published by the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) in co-operation with Editions Larcier, is a practical guide to the enrire field of EU Iaw in this area. The book approaches the financial subjects thematically. For Bach of the distinct areas of practical it offers a concise summary and the respective legislative historv of the applicable law, pending législation as well as issues under discussion.
A CD ROM enclosed with this book provides the full official versions of all Directives and Regulations published by the European Union in the fields of banking and financial services. The European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) represents the interest of various public banks, funding agencies and associations of public banks throughout Europe, which together represents some 100 public financial institutions.
The EAPB's specialised lawyers and economists monitor the European legislation in order to provide its member banks with information on EU financial law. Thanks to the co-operation with Editions Larcier, the EAPB's expertise is now at the disposal of a large public.
Future of mining industry in Guinea
Ibrahima Soumah
- L'Harmattan
- L'harmattan Guinee
- 17 Décembre 2008
- 9782296074026
Guinea was identified as a mining country long time ago since quantity of gold coming from the Bouré region, near Siguiri, constituted the power and reputation of medieval Mandingue empire. For the Guinean people and those observing them, the real scandal is having so much resources and remaining among the poorest countries in the world with the HDI classification ranking Guinea to the 160 th place out of 175 countries, while its income per capita is below $500/year. This book provides information on the potential and the evolution of the Guinean mining sector.
OECD territorial reviews Portugal
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 3 Juillet 2008
- 9789264008953
In order to curb rising unemployment and to upgrade low value-added activities, the competitive edge lost in low-cost labour must be earned back through education and innovation. Regional policy stands as a key tool to achieve this shift in a relatively small yet diverse country with moderate economic growth and limited public spending capacity. This report analyses how a paradigm shift in regional policy, building on the knowledge of both public and private stakeholders in specific regions (ranging from dynamic urban areas on the coast to lagging inland areas), could help Portugal fully exploit its potential for sustainable development.
Economic migration, social cohesion and development : towards an integrated approach
- Conseil De L'Europe
- 28 Janvier 2010
- 9789287165725
In the final declaration of their 8th conference, the European ministers responsible for migration affairs committed to promoting and protecting the human rights of migrants, with special attention to gender equality and the rights of women; to strengthening dialogue and co-operation between receiving, transit and origin countries, particularly within Europe; and to promoting coherence at all levels (international, national, regional and local) between migration, development and integration policies.
The ministers also agreed to manage economic migration with a view to promoting economic and social progress in receiving, transit and origin countries; to enhance social cohesion by improving the integration of migrants and persons of immigrant background and the re-integration of migrants who return to their countries of origin; and to strengthen the contribution of migrants and persons of immigrant background to development in receiving and origin countries and their involvement in co-development programmes.
This report was prepared to support the ministerial debate during the conference. It presents the main aspects and characteristics of migration in the member states of the Council of Europe, analyses policy challenges raised by contemporary migration and identifies an integrated policy agenda.
Recent events in international financial markets have revived the scientific interest in conceivable institutional alternatives to prevailing monetary arrangements. In the essays reprinted in this book, the author critically examines some of the more influential arguments which have been made in favour of decentralization in banking.